SmartThings Highlight Zone Media Experience

SmartThings Highlight Zone Media Experience

SmartThings Highlight Zone Media Experience

New Media

New Media

Contents Design

Contents Design

Experience Design

Experience Design



At CES 2024, the world's best electronics show, Samsung Smart Things developed five characteristic user experience contents. In the highlight zone on the first floor, four features of Smart Things were introduced through interactive media, and in the lifestyle zone on the second floor, lighting experience content with home lifestyle as a motif was created.

At CES 2024, the world's best electronics show, Samsung Smart Things developed five characteristic user experience contents. In the highlight zone on the first floor, four features of Smart Things were introduced through interactive media, and in the lifestyle zone on the second floor, lighting experience content with home lifestyle as a motif was created.

At CES 2024, the world's best electronics show, Samsung Smart Things developed five characteristic user experience contents. In the highlight zone on the first floor, four features of Smart Things were introduced through interactive media, and in the lifestyle zone on the second floor, lighting experience content with home lifestyle as a motif was created.

Project Note.

Project Note.

Project Note.

2023.12 ~ 2024.01
Interactive contents, Exhibition

2023.12 ~ 2024.01
Interactive contents, Exhibition

2023.12 ~ 2024.01
Interactive contents, Exhibition



In the SmartThings Highlight Zone, located in the very center of the first floor. It provides interactive experience with intuitive contents for understanding basic concets of SamrtThings.

In the VIP zone on the 2nd floor, we created smart things applied to our lives based on the concept of residential, and we installed circadian lighting in the sleep zone.

In the SmartThings Highlight Zone, located in the very center of the first floor. It provides interactive experience with intuitive contents for understanding basic concets of SamrtThings.

In the VIP zone on the 2nd floor, we created smart things applied to our lives based on the concept of residential, and we installed circadian lighting in the sleep zone.

In the SmartThings Highlight Zone, located in the very center of the first floor. It provides interactive experience with intuitive contents for understanding basic concets of SamrtThings.

In the VIP zone on the 2nd floor, we created smart things applied to our lives based on the concept of residential, and we installed circadian lighting in the sleep zone.

Calm Onboarding

Calm Onboarding

Calm Onboarding

The Calm Onboarding content, which is the first to be encountered in the Smart Things Highlight Zone, intuitively visualizes the concept of simple onboarding of various home appliances in Smart Things without any special effort by connecting motion graphics and lighting to the home appliances actually on display.

The Calm Onboarding content, which is the first to be encountered in the Smart Things Highlight Zone, intuitively visualizes the concept of simple onboarding of various home appliances in Smart Things without any special effort by connecting motion graphics and lighting to the home appliances actually on display.

SmartThings Together

SmartThings Together

SmartThings Together

Smart Things Together uses three stories to demonstrate the ability to easily share home appliance control privileges with others through QR. Users select a story on the tablet or scan a QR to experience the story on the front TV or web.

Smart Things Together uses three stories to demonstrate the ability to easily share home appliance control privileges with others through QR. Users select a story on the tablet or scan a QR to experience the story on the front TV or web.

Map View

Map View

Map View

The map view, which consists of two podiums, a 60” TV, and a transparent acrylic diorama, shows the creation and use of the Smart Things map view through four stories: morning, going out, evening, and going to bed. The diorama media table shows the actual situation in the house through 3D video content. The two podiums show the control situation in the map view through UI motion.

The map view, which consists of two podiums, a 60” TV, and a transparent acrylic diorama, shows the creation and use of the Smart Things map view through four stories: morning, going out, evening, and going to bed. The diorama media table shows the actual situation in the house through 3D video content. The two podiums show the control situation in the map view through UI motion.

Your Home On TV

Your Home On TV

Your Home On TV

Your Home on TV shows a system for controlling smart things through a TV. Even while watching TV, you can seamlessly control CCTV and major home appliances, and detailed control is possible by linking with your mobile phone. This TV smart things experience was delivered in an easy and fun way through symbolic illustrations and actual TV UI.

Your Home on TV shows a system for controlling smart things through a TV. Even while watching TV, you can seamlessly control CCTV and major home appliances, and detailed control is possible by linking with your mobile phone. This TV smart things experience was delivered in an easy and fun way through symbolic illustrations and actual TV UI.

Circadian Lighting

Circadian Lighting

Circadian Lighting

Circadian lighting is a system that adjusts indoor ambiance according to external light sources, namely the temperature of light throughout the day. In the bedroom, a central display featuring a concept of a window portrays the Las Vegas skyline. As the video transitions through night, dawn, afternoon, and dusk, the circadian lighting shifts from warm to neutral, crafting the atmosphere of the bedroom space.

Circadian lighting is a system that adjusts indoor ambiance according to external light sources, namely the temperature of light throughout the day. In the bedroom, a central display featuring a concept of a window portrays the Las Vegas skyline. As the video transitions through night, dawn, afternoon, and dusk, the circadian lighting shifts from warm to neutral, crafting the atmosphere of the bedroom space.